Tuesday, February 23, 2010

In and Out Boxes

Photo: I love sharing cosmic laughter, it's good for the soul.

I’m analyzing the response I got from my first Annual Opt Out Email when I told everyone on my BCC Funny Forwards Email list they could opt off.

I remember being pleased with my considerate Internet Etiquette. Resolved not to clutter the in boxes of those who didn’t look forward to the occasional laugh, didn’t share my sense of fun or didn’t have the time. If they weren’t having fun, what was the point?

When I didn’t get many responses, I rethought the process. Realized those who didn’t read or deleted or put a spam label on the emails wouldn’t have read the Opt Out one either. Hummmm.

My boys told me to keep them in the group, but send anything personal or important in a direct, not batch, email. They would read, when they had time, maybe half. I thought that was diplomatic and sensitive. What surprised me was my younger son telling me emailing forwards is considered bad manners. He gave me the impression ‘no one’ does it. Yet I get them all the time (or I wouldn’t have any to pass on). And not just from old fogies like me.


I sent out a good news email. Not a forward, but BCC to a bunch of friends and family. Not everyone replied, although it was the kind of news you would reply to.


I feel like I’m in a déjà vu Christmas List where you played chicken with the names on The List. The first years when the friendship was still fresh, cards were no problem. Then came the year no card came in the mail. Those of us sentimental or paranoid enough to keep lists (and keep track of the lists) would put certain names on the cusp. One more year of no card and off the list they went, dropping out of your life like bubble gum or braces. Of course, the year you dropped them they sent you a card, leaving you to decide whether to mail a card late or just reinstate them for next year. I kept the list in pencil to accommodate the changes in names, addresses, validity.

This is all ancient history: Communication B.C. (before computers). FB and Tweets are the social way to keep in touch, your “Friends of...” is the new Christmas list. Only they don’t have to answer. You just throw out your life to whoever wants to know and check on your friends’ lives. Make a few comments, but nothing like long chatty emails (letters).

FB is the new family Christmas letter: with photos, chatty news about what’s happening, who done/won what, et. al. and no requirement to respond.
Tweets are IM fleeting thoughts.


I will move Forward with my list because I feel good sharing fun with my friends and family. No more Opt Out Options. They already do that. If I want to reach somebody I don’t hear from, I’ll invite them to FB. Or send an (old fashioned) email. Even a hard copy snail mail. I can be an anachronism. I’m old enough. Heck, I have a dozen actual Christmas cards still decorating the Venitians in my office.

There are a lot of ins and outs of communication 2010. I plan to use all the In and Out Boxes (except Tweets) there are. I like keeping in touch.



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