(cartoon: thanks, Cuz, for sending the jpeg. So much better to see it!)
(photo: Like this snow "possum" I'm having trouble getting excited about winter.)
I admit it, I'm in a funk. The weather is minus 30 plus and I am holed up in my place and do. not. want. to. go. out.
This has been going on for a week. I can do it because I'm a netwriter and work at home.
But it isn't healthy. I need people. The kitties are not enough.
It stops tonight when I go to the tech rehearsal for my choir. Gotta go. The concerts are Friday and Sunday. Have other things to do as well. Life intrudes on my funkiness.
My poor Prezzie sits frozen in the street. Those of you south of the 49th parallel can not imagine the depth of the cold. That said, millions live here, more millions come for the skiing and winter activities, time to stop being a baby, missing California and get cracking (like ice: Ho, ho, sob)
Here is a funny my cousin sent. I appreciate all forms of humor these days, it is getting me through. Like SOWing good cheer. Hear. Hear.
Enjoy please.
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