Photo: Have the happiest holiday season ever, eh?
I love the way the universe works. I am hooked on the intricate interconnections it interweaves when it wants to.
It happened again today.
I’ve been hugely busy stocking up on my netwriting so I can take time to be with the WGG, my two sons, thei r wives, in-laws and the whole famdamily. Also singing with my choir in holiday concerts. Also putting my photos on exhibit with the local Artists and Artisans Guild for seasonal shoppers. (Not a ton of room in there to blog, sorry!)
Of the several hundred artworks on display, I had five. This being my first exhibit, I messed up my first attempt and had to reframe them. The very kind folks allowed me leeway and I got them hung. Then waited for the great news of a sale. They were hung Nov. 27. I got the call Dec. 17 that one had sold.
It was a thrill like no other. The caller didn’t even know which one had found a new home. It was several days before I was due to “sit” in the gallery. This is how we artists pay for the display space (along with the commission); we sign up for three hour sessions to welcome viewers to the gallery, answer questions, take money, etc.
When I went in, I could tell right away which photo had sold since that information was listed beside the gallery door. It was a photo of mountain peaks seemingly floating on clouds. I peeked at the receipt and discovered a friend had bought it. Which is very nice, knowing a friend would have my photo hanging in their home. My artistic side, however, finicky as always, speculated on whether the friend bought it because we are friends. It whispered that real proof of talent is when strangers buy your stuff.
I know, I know, stupid to be fussing instead of enjoying the pleasure.
At three more three-hour “sittings,” I got to study both buyers and art. What did people seem to like and how was the art presented? The answer to the first is, “everything:” each person liked something different. The second was more helpful. I was the only one who had used oval mats to frame my pictures. I asked another photographer, and he agreed: “Oval is out.”
As well, the majority of mats were white. I had used colored ones, even double matting some. My mother had done this. Artists do not.
I had hundreds of examples to study, and concluded that square white mats look like...art. Colored oval frames look like...family photos. Thus I used my time in the gallery well.
With one hour left to go on my last shift, a woman walked in during a lull in a busy morning. She headed toward the wall next to my desk. I asked her if she was shopping for Christmas gifts and she said yes, her husband liked “that one.”
And she pointed to my big horn sheep photo. With its colored (but square) mat. I got goosebumps. I pointed out the head of a female sheep just to one side. She said they had not noticed it. I took a deposit and she said she would be back to pay the balance and take it with her.
The universe was already working , but I was too thrilled to notice. Validation from both a friend and a stranger. It didn’t get much better than that. I happily wrapped up my sheep and put it in the back room for pick up. My time ran out, my replacement arrived. I showed her the package, packed up and went next door to the library to get some books for Christmas reading. Grabbed several and was leaving the building when I held the door for a woman loaded down with packages. She smiled and looked familiar. I smiled back and watched her go into the gallery. My patroness! I decided what the heck, stuck my head in the door and asked her to thank her husband for buying my photo. She thanked me for taking it.
The Universe bringing things together like it does, to let me sell my own painting, savor the thrill, meet the buyer and thank her...it does not fail to amaze.
May it do the same for you. And bless us: everyone.