KUDOS TO VOLKSWAGEN: A tribute to the power of fun - Go VW! The link is below. Enjoy!
OMG. Less than 24 hours and I have a “follower.” I am so excited. Welcome, you made my day!
That was yesterday. Today, what made my day was a wrong number. I was calling my walking buddy to confirm our starting time. And using my cell phone without my glasses, which should be illegal. I called the contact below the one I wanted and a croaky voice answered. I was instantly concerned, was she ill? I confirmed it wasn’t her, mumbled apologies and was about to hang up when the croak said my name.
It was my best buddy, my adopted Sister, my conscience and soulmate. My fragile friend who has been absolutely stalwart in her fight against the MS that wins some battles, but has not yet come close to winning the war. Carmen, my Carmen, was up at her kitchen table crocheting winter hats. She’d been up since 5 to take a pain pill, so I had not disturbed her, and she had wonderful news: her husband had gone to bat for her and gotten her an appointment to see a hip specialist 18 months earlier than the appointment she had. She will see him in December—this December—not in 2011. Before she let me go, she advised me to savor every step of my walk.
And I did.
I have some other friends like Carmen. Brave souls facing daily pain and an unknown, but certainly bleak, future who refuse to become bitter, who focus on each moment, who do not think they are brave, merely living their lives as best they can. Carmen’s hats are for refugees immigrating to a cold climate. It takes her mind off the pain at 5 in the morning.
I am so lucky to have friends who remind me of what’s important...and keep me humble. You go, girl. Warm hugs.
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