The mono drags on. Guess that’s part of the When I’m 64 deal. Live this long and you don’t shake things off like you used to. But at least it’s mono and not the dreaded Old Age.
It took a couple of months to get my energy back after the doc checked the blood test last spring. If I’d been tired of being tired before, I really got sick of it then. Every time I felt a burst of energy and ran out the door to enjoy it, I had a setback.
But I got over it. Then the season for building up the excitement for a Santa arrival arrived. Hours spent twisting balloons or maintaining a line up waiting to see Mr. C are fun and profitable. I used to do three Santa arrivals a day. I could keep a line of folks waiting for photos with Santa entertained for hours and get pleasantly tired. This year I found could barely keep the giggles and hugs coming after four hours. I blamed it on not eating and no breaks. I find it hard to stop and stuff my face in the face of a line-up of folks and kidlets who have been waiting 40 minutes to see me.
When I get fatigued, my fingers get stupid and balloons break or my paints smear. The kidlets and I were having less fun.
I feared I was Getting Old. I did a Santa arrival/loons gig yesterday, got home and crashed in front of the boobtube. For the night. Didn’t call the granddaughter to say aloha (she’s taking her folks to Hawaii for two weeks). Closest I got was to look at the clock and see I still had time, if I could get myself out of the chair.
I couldn’t. Fortunately, being Saturday night, there were some great movies I had not seen. Unfortunately, the WGG didn’t get a bon voyage call from GrannnyT.
Fortunately, the collapse felt familiar. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until today that I recognized it.
Mono. I was deflated like my balloons, absolutely limp. BTDT. The disease that keeps college kids out of school up to a year was not gone, I’d just forgotten I had it.
Unfortunately, mono may monopolize my energy reserves for another 6 months. Fortunately, it won’t last forever.
Woo Hoo!
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